Friday, March 2, 2012

I Think, therefore I Drink

So I had a rough night.
I ended up drinking myself into a punch-drunk stupor that made me want to post-night tweet/post all the "WTF" "FML" acrimonious acronyms that my post-stuporous thumbs could posthaste-ily muster. Yet it struck me so brazenly odd that anyone consumes alcohol at all.
What a strange creature is the homosapien that the gift of sapience grants us the desire to forfeit such granted gifts. What cultured such un-cultured behavior? These questions lead me to the amusing conclusion that the cruelty of sentience is that we are compelled for the comfort of interactive socialization yet are easily uncomforted by each other's sentences.
Don't give me your politics or assertions about the world because your advantageous vantage point offends the singularity of my point of view. We respond by lubricating the penetration of each other's points with poisonous liquid that numbs the very wits that allowed us to bear witness to the unbearability of co-existence. We disconnect and alter our otherwise united states as a means to connect. Sharing perspective is best kept trivial.
It is best if we talk sports or fashion. If not, i'm going to need a drink. Something for you to think about is how unthinkable it is for us to think about what each other thinks.

bar tender may I have another,