Thursday, July 5, 2012

Anti Gravity and flying cars

I was in highschool and after reading Hawking's book entitled a brief history of time where he talked about String Theory, I spent a lot of time thinking about what string theory actually meant. The short layman explanation of what I imagine is that all particles are best thought of as fluctuating hyper-spheres. If that's not layman enough for you, a fluctuating sphere would look like a sphere of water floating in Zero gravity. A hyper-sphere is a sphere extruded into more dimensions than the typical 3 that we imagine. If you're having trouble with this, then you're probably not going to follow the rest of this so I'm just going to assume that what I'm saying makes sense.

If all particles are fluctuating hyper-spheres of energy then they might effect eachother in the way that moving ripples of water do. This lead me to a thought. What if these fluctuations emit a kind of wave. This is an easy assumption because objects that vibrate typically emit sound, heat, or light depending on the degree that they disturb everything around them. Yet if everything is energy as string theory proposes its hard for me not to imagine that as particles fluctuate they will not cause a disturbance that effects the others around it. Take 2 particles and while they're individual mass and energy have not changed, together the vibration of their fluctuations might have a greater amplitude. This vibration or wave emission we're going to call a gravity field. Try to imagine a sign wave and that the sign wave is travelling. Better yet think about holding your vacuum cleaner chord and whipping it up so that the wave travels down the chord and bounces back to you. Now better yet, think about shaking your bedroom blanket so that one ripple travels along it. This is like the gravity field wave that is emitted by all particles. Only these waves aren't travelling away from the object, they are travelling towards the object. This is probably because particles exist in more dimensions than the observable 3. They are like wadded up crumples of paper if that paper was 3D space and every time those ripples of gravity intersect they cause each other friction which slows them down. It would be like a ripple of water having slight bounce back disturbances from hitting another, but because these ripples are in more dimensions then 3 and probably kind of overlap themselves in a hyper dimensional space, they might be bouncing back and forth inside of their own folds.

Now go back to the sign wave and picture two of them interacting with each other, but instead of merging and dividing their values they are solid and the peaks and valleys grip one another like teeth on a zipper. This is why the more mass an object has, the more gravity it has. Every particle emits a gravity field but we do not observe the effects until the collective amplitude is great enough. In zero G's we are more able to see droplets of water attracted to each other. This is because we are not distracted by the intensity of earth's gravity. Particles are attracted to eachother because the gravity field waves are gripping each other kinda like two Tank treads driving towards eachother. Only instead of a two dimensional sign wave you have an nDimensional spherical wave pulsing out like radio waves from an antennae or the waves coming out of your cell phone. I do not know anything specific about these waves and why we can't observe them and only their effect, but one theory that I had was that dark matter isn't actually matter at all but rather a mathematical biproduct of the way nDimensional space is folded in on itself because we think of the universe as the x,y,z 3 dimensional physical space. Regardless of whether my theory on dark matter is interesting or useful, I propose that a way to vibrate energy so that the gravity field frequency would interact with the natural gravity field like a tank driving up an escalator. What seems silly about this idea is that you couldn't really cause propulsion by firing a radio wave into another radio wave so why would you think gravity field waves would be different. I think they are because they cause objects to move, interact with each other, and overall seem to manipulate observable space itself. If the gravity field of a planet will interact with the gravity field of a meteor why can't you manipulate a gravity field to be in a specific flux with that field. I imagine a way of spinning particles or energy to create these gravity field fluctuations. It would be like spinning a weighted ball inside of a larger sphere. In fact the vibrations in your phone are caused by putting a small weight at the end of a pendulum attached to a motor. When the motor spins, the angular momentum of that weight causes your phone to vibrate because the phone is being moved by the momentum of the tiny weight. I've seen toys that move across a table simply through vibration. 
The weight and frequency is such that the toy bounces up with the spinning weight and travels forward grips the table from the weight of the toy and then jumps up again. Only the jumps are too small to look like a jump at all. The toy just slides. This is the same when you see your cell phone sliding across a table when you put it on vibrate. What I'm envisioning is a way to spin energy so that the vibrations of the gravity field of the particles is out of the normal sync that all gravity fields have. It doesn't get easier than imagining a tank tread driving up a down escalator. What we need is a way to determine what kind of energy gravity fields emit and why we can't see them. I suspect that it has more to do with the folding of space than it has to do with releasing energy. Gravity field propulsion would only work while suspended inside a gravity field in the way that sailboats can only sail when there's wind, but I'm proposing a way to manipulate the gravity field flux so that our vehicles can fly like a cellphone sliding across a table.

I want a flying car,


UPDATE: The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that gravity is not a form of energy at all. I now think it is the biproduct of folding space. Space is folded by the motion or fluctuation of energy fields with mass. As space folds in hyper dimensions the increase of dimensionality, increases the natural pull that energy fields exert on each other. This pull is some how caused by the way that fields interact and bend each other. Instead of thinking of gravity as the result of a field of gravitons being emitted as energy. Imagine the game where kids play with a parachute and they wave it up and down and a rubber ball travels along the parachute. Only the parachute is space folded in on itself.

Gravity then isn't a form of energy in the way that light is a form of energy. Gravity is more like the frequency and magnitude of ocean waves where space would be the water in the ocean. If you were looking down at an ocean and you saw a beach ball travelling across the ocean it might not be evident what was causing that motion. Viewed from the side, the beach ball is being pushed along by a wave. We see the water but aren't able to see that the water is moving.

Because space isn't like the surface of an ocean or a parachute, the waves or folds in space don't go up and down they appear to expand and contract. Picture an inch worm, inching it's way across a table. Now picture a bubble. The bubble is expanding and contracting. Now that bubble isn't a bubble it is a link in a chain of bubbles who's surfaces all touch each other. As the bubble contracts like the inch worms feet touching, the chain links are pulled closer together, only the back of the inchworm is the center of the bubble expanding into nDimensional space.

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