Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Campaign of Terror needs to stop *

Original Post: Oct 27, 2008

Top 5 things to be scared of:
1. Black people
2. Foreign people/specifically middle eastern/more specifically with scary names like hussein
3. Gay people
4. Socialist (Commy bastards!)
5. Education (aka elitism)


I just want the system of peddling fear, blame, and hate to stop buzzing in my ear. People can say whatever they want, but if it's one of those, I just would rather not be subjected to being incited into a state of discontent.
I don't want to be scared of Carbs! I don't want to worry that I might get bird flu. I don't want to break out a pitchfork and a torch and run to the scary house on the top of the hill in an angry mob.

It's disgusting.

Fear Mongering is the most disgusting form of political control. Not to mention a horrible bi-product of our culture that leads to nothing more than people being unhappy. Thinking they're over-weight, needing to compensate your penis, and hating your neighbor are the side effects of steering your sheep-like ass into buying someone else's shit. But it leads to nothing more than hating thy neighbor and ultimately yourself.

I personally choose not to worship fear. If i'm going to worship anything, I hope it is love. Mostly because I'm scared of jesus getting angry at me ;-)

As a sentient emotional being blessed with the gift of existence, I would much rather live with hope and love, than in fear. So if you're the scared guy on the plane as we plummet to our deaths.
'Shhhhhh, Calm down. Stop shouting that we're all going to die!
Have a seat. And hug the person next to you. Because for the next 30 seconds before it's all over, I'm going to need a hug.'

Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily
Life is but a dream,


Currently watching:
Primal Fear
Release date: 1998-10-21

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