Thursday, November 6, 2008

God is not a bouncer

God is not a bouncer,
So please stop telling me that I'm not on the list.
If I have to read one more overzealous republican profess the condemnation of The United States of America because Barack Obama is our new president, there is something that I'm going to lose that I am not going to be able to get back. Let me clarify that I'm not against republicans, I've said that voting shouldn't be like rooting for a sports team. I consider myself a wishy washy middle of the road confused by politics Independant. I took an extensive political survey which rudely called me a centrist. That is until Barack Obama became one of my choices. I will vote for remarkable any time it's on the ballot no matter what color state his gang is. The thing is, I'm sick of people using hate and religion together to make a nonsensical argument. Seriously the flood of "We're all going to hell", "Now we're all socialists", and the countless other hateful remarks that range from racism to placism to religious finger shaking is driving my sensibilities into a maddening blood vescular explosion. Most of it I can brush off my shoulder as ignorance and disappointment. However, there is only so much rationalization that I can afford the ugly hatefulness. Obama is not the anti-christ and your theological bullying makes you sound intellectually lazy. Most of everything I hear is obtuse over simplifications incited by the fear mongers. Using God in your argument is an argumentative fallacy, not to mention arrogant and disrespectful to the idea of God. So stop preaching. I respect those who have reacted with the "Let's see what happens" or "Let's hope for the best" kind of response. The undertones of skepticism are expected and understandable. But the witch hunters and prophetic proclaimers need to open their minds and stop spreading the stupid. Posting prayers for me? Really? Hidden beneath the clever cloak of concern for my well being, is the intrusive judgement that shakes its head in disapproval. Your false prayers are merely more scare tactics.
I'm sorry,
but heaven doesn't have a guest list,
because God is not a bouncer.


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